On November 20 & 21, Business in the Community Ireland organised training for members on How to Conduct Due Diligence in Human Rights.
This bespoke member training was delivered by Parul Sharma, Dean of the Academy of Human Rights in Business at CSR Sweden.
The November training followed hot on the heels of the launch of the National Plan on Business & Human Rights 2017-2020; and took place three months after the ratification in Ireland of the Non-Financial Reporting Legislation (pertaining to public interest entities and banks and insurance companies) where disclosure on the respect of human rights and anti-bribery & corruption are key requirements.
During the training we learned that in India & China, risk auditing firms say that to up 50% of environmental licences are obtained through fraud. Where fraud and corruption are rampant, so too are incidences of modern slavery. According to Parul, fraud and corruption are the biggest barriers to sustainability in emerging markets in 2017.
One of the many points raised in the training is that it is important to apply the principles of due diligence to every situation, on a case by case basis, and not ever be tempted to generalise. Another point was that creating awareness with suppliers of your company’s commitment to the respect of human rights, is very important.
Consider how your company can train its Tier 1 suppliers in the company’s objectives and goals in this area, so that they in turn can train their Tier 1 (your Tier 2).
Here is a sample of the feedback received from the November training:
“As a result of attending this training, I now have a better understanding of the issues. I enjoyed the clear, practical examples, the sharing of information and the debate.”
“It was a real eye-opening course and highlights how we have a long journey ahead of us to be fully compliant”.
“I learned what I didn’t know or even think about the business as it relates to human rights. The case studies and exercises were great and thought-provoking”.
If you and your colleagues are interested in training in 2018, in How to Conduct Due Diligence in Human Rights, contact Darina Eades at deades@bitc.ie