On July 18th Intel celebrated its 50th Anniversary. To celebrate this milestone the company has taken inspiration from a famous quote from co-founder Robert Noyce: “Don’t be encumbered by history, go off and do something wonderful.” With this in mind the challenge to celebrate our golden anniversary with 50,000 employees across the globe engaging in volunteerism, and a total of 1 million volunteer hours logged, was set.
Volunteering and supporting our local communities is very much part of the culture within Intel Ireland, who have been relishing in this challenge by hosting events such as the Colour Run, Lip Sync Challenge and the Charity Cycle.
Employees also support our signature charities for 2018; “Make a Wish Ireland” and The Alzheimer Society of Ireland” as well as supporting the North Kildare branches of the St Vincent De Paul, with Intel employees also volunteering in schools, sports clubs and charitable organisations locally and all over Ireland, all of which will go towards Intel’s 50thAnniversary goal.
Intel Ireland continues to work hard to meet the global goal of 1 million volunteer hours with the help of 21% of our employees volunteering a total number of 14,888 hours to date. This has been achieved through carrying out approximately 40 projects in partnership with local organisations including Tidy Towns groups, Culmullen National School and LauraLynn House.