
Keeling’s is a 100% Irish-owned family business, innovating within the fresh produce industry since 1926.  Keeling’s specialize in growing, sourcing, sales, marketing, distribution of fresh produce and superior produce-specific ERP software solutions.   Headquartered in Dublin, with facilities in Ireland, the UK, France, Netherlands, Costa Rica and Brazil. We partner with best in class growers worldwide, delivering to over 300 customers across 30 countries, ensuring quality fresh produce year round.

Keelings are a family business and are committed to conducting business in a responsible and sustainable manner to protect future generations.

As stewards of the land, we recognise our close partnership with nature.  At Keelings we understand that our operations have an impact on our planet, the environment, the economy and the community.   We are committed to doing everything we can to maximise the positive impacts of our operations, while identifying and minimising any negative impacts.  Through adoption and promotion of responsible sustainability principals across all our activities, we are committed to leaving a positive legacy.

We are delighted to partner with BITCI, so we can work collaboratively to address the important challenges ahead and we can continue to move forward in our journey towards a healthier, safer and more sustainable world.