Elevate is Business in the Community Ireland’s new Pledge to support businesses to build more inclusive workplaces. The ultimate ambition of this initiative is for a workforce that is representative of all members of Irish society.

Our workplaces have become more diverse, incorporating a multiplicity of backgrounds, experiences and identities. This has brought huge benefits to Irish business. However, diversity alone is not enough. Workplace inclusion is about creating a culture where everyone feels welcome, has access to opportunities and is supported to thrive.

By signing up to this Pledge, Irish businesses can demonstrate their commitment to building truly inclusive workplaces, and supporting the broader values of inclusion, equality and opportunity in Irish society.

1 companies have signed up to Elevate, the Inclusive Workplace Pledge

Elevate Pledge signatories commit to building inclusive workplaces that support everyone to thrive equally.

Signatory companies commit to:

  • Record the diversity profile of the workforce
  • Participate in a BITCI report which will publish the diversity profile of the collective workforce of all signatory companies
  • Annually develop one tangible action that ensures the recruitment or retention of diverse talent.
  • Annually report on the impact of this action Download the list of actions and progress. 
  • Increase ambition on the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda
  • Collaborate with fellow signatories to learn and create solutions for social impact

Elevate Pledge
Annual Reports and Publications

2023 Elevate Pledge Annual Report

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This research provides insights on why social inclusion is becoming a priority for business, the challenges and barriers to inclusion and how Irish businesses can improve inclusion now and in the future.

Supporting You to Become
an Inclusive Employer

The Inclusive Employer blueprint is a practical guide to help businesses create diverse and inclusive workplaces. It includes a framework for connecting the dots on your diversity and inclusion agenda with actionable tips and case studies.

Fill in your details to download your copy

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    Tick the box if you would like to subscribe to our monthly e-zine Sustainable Business News

    For more info on the Elevate Pledge
    please contact our Membership Executive Trish McNamara


    Elevate is led by the Leaders’ Group on Sustainability Sub-Group chaired by Sinead Patton Veolia Chief Financial and Commercial Officer and Harry Goddard, CEO of Deloitte Ireland.