Intel Donates €1.4 million to Irish organisations thanks to employees

Business in the Community Ireland

Volunteering is a valued part of the Intel culture. Throughout Intel’s 50-plus year history we have encouraged it, facilitated it, and sought out ways to make it as meaningful and impactful as possible. Every year Intel Ireland employees volunteer thousands of hours in the communities where they live and work. Despite the challenges of the past year, once again people have found ways to support and help others, and as a result, in 2020 Intel employees volunteered more hours than ever before.

Matching Grants, how it works:
13 years ago Intel began a Matching Grant program. Every year, for every hour that an Intel employee volunteers at an approved organisation, there’s a ‘match’, or grant, of $10 paid by the Intel Foundation to the organisation where they give their time.

What’s the result and how does it help:
Today, Wednesday 5th May, we are sharing the results of our 2020 Matching Grant program which sees 379 community organisations and schools from across Ireland receiving grants which total €1,400,149.

In 2020 Intel employees volunteered just over 164,500 hours that were eligible to be matched through this initiative resulting in a payout of €1,400,149 ($1,645,076) for 379 recipient organisations who are spread across 23 different counties.

The 379 organisations which were part of the Matching Grant initiative include charities such as Society of the Vincent De Paul, the Samaritans and the Red Cross, a variety of sporting clubs ranging from GAA to cycling, and various other organisations such as animal sanctuaries and scouting groups.

Read the full story on the Intel Ireland newsroom.

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