Ulster Bank Ireland DAC’s Impact in 2019

Business in the Community Ireland


Ulster Bank Ireland DAC’s Community Engagement Policy

Founded in 1836, Ulster Bank is one of Ireland’s largest banking and financial services organisations, with a longstanding commitment to corporate sustainability. It’s strategy is focused on financial education and enterprise and innovation, delivered through  programmes such as MoneySense and the Skills and Opportunities Fund.

Do Good, Feel Good is Ulster Bank’s annual fundraising and volunteering programme, bringing colleagues from all areas of the organisation together to raise money, awareness and support for charitable causes across the island of Ireland.

Each year, the bank partners with a charity or number of charities that will benefit from fundraising and volunteering activities organised by teams and individuals. The aim is to bring colleagues together to make a tangible difference in the community.

More information about Ulster Bank’s corporate sustainability programme is available at www.ulsterbank.com.

Ulster Bank Ireland DAC’s Impact in 2019

Ulster Bank Ireland DAC provided €118,270 in cash donations and €155,121 was raised through employee fundraising. Employees also volunteered 2,103 hours to local groups and projects during the year.

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