Business and Human Rights

Business in the Community Ireland

How can business mitigate the risk of modern slavery?

Business and Human Rights is a vast topic and while it is a relatively new concept to some organisations, it is material to all business sectors. The prevalence of human rights abuses and modern slavery has no geographic boundary. Unfortunately, no country is exempt, no company is exempt. Human rights infringements are actually on the rise globally. It is such infringements, big or small, that companies in Ireland who are committed to operating as responsible and sustainable corporate citizens, do not want occurring in any part of their operations or supply chain, in Ireland or anywhere else.

The How to Mitigate the Risk of Modern Slavery publication

The “How to Mitigate the Risk of Modern Slavery” is a report and guidance tool that will help you to:

• Understand human rights infringements and modern slavery in both a global and Irish context
• Know the key legislative and other developments relevant to business in Ireland
• Know the practical actions you and your company can take, to mitigate the risk and occurrence of modern slavery
• Conduct human rights due diligence, spot the signs of modern slavery, know what to do and who to contact, should any malpractice come to light

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    How can BITCI support your business

    As part of our membership services, BITCI members are supported on the topic of business & human rights through awareness-raising, provision of training on how to conduct human rights due diligence and with the development of policy, governance structures and reporting.

    The topic of Human Rights also features in both the Governance and Sustainable Procurement indicators of BITCI’s Business Working Responsibly Mark – Ireland’s standard for CSR & Sustainability, based on ISO 26000 and independently audited by the NSAI.

    For more content and latest news please visit our Business & Human Rights news section 

    Join the movement for sustainable change

    Contact: Trish McNamara
