Low Carbon Pledge recognised in the All of Government Action Plan as key engagement tool for collective action

BITCI News - Leadership - Jun 17, 2019

Business in the Community Ireland

Business in the Community Ireland welcomes the adoption of the All of Government Action Plan on Climate Disruption as a decisive and coherent set of policies that will prepare Ireland to become a significant player at European and international level on adapting to climate change.

In particular we welcome the approach to systemic change proposed by the Action Plan, placing a focus on all key areas of the Irish economy, society and main sources of GHG emissions. The alignment of the plan to Ireland’s international obligations under the Paris Agreement also indicate a clear intention to promote a pathway to decarbonisation. Such transition should allow our economy to transit to a low carbon future and thus maintain its competitiveness in a low carbon model. The aspiration that government will lead by example should also help promote a system-wide transformation and inspire business, communities and families to engage in this process.

Business engagement and collaboration on the implementation of this Action Plan will be fundamental. Through the Business in the Community Ireland Low Carbon Pledge we look forward to playing our part in stimulating the participation of Irish business in the transition to a low carbon economy and we particularly welcome the recognition of the Low Carbon Pledge in this All of Government Action Plan as a key engagement tool for collective action by business.

Systemically measuring, reporting and setting targets on carbon emission reductions is a fundamental step to transform business models. Through collaborative platforms we can further engage employees, suppliers, clients and investors in this critical agenda. We all have a part to play.

Find out more about the Low Carbon Pledge and how leading businesses in Ireland are working together to transition to a low carbon Ireland.

Listen to our CEO discuss the actions businesses need to take to transition to a low carbon future.

Pictured above our CEO Tomás Sercovich with Richard Bruton T.D, Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Feargal O’Rourke Managing Partner PwC at the launch of the #LowCarbonPledge report on June 12th 2019.


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