The latest version of the Business Working Responsibly mark certification

BITCI News - Leadership - Sep 29, 2020

We are excited to announce that we will soon be launching a new version of the Business Working Responsibly mark standard. This new version of the Mark will see significant process improvements for companies certifying and recertifying during the coming year.

What is the Business Working Responsibly mark?

The Business Working Responsibly mark is the top standard for CSR and Sustainability in Ireland. The Mark is independently audited by the NSAI and it is based on ISO 26000.

The Business Working Responsibly mark was launched in 2010 and currently 35 of the largest and most progressive companies in Ireland hold this leading sustainability certification.

Among the benefits that these companies have gained from achieving The Mark certification are recognition of their responsible and sustainable practices, improved brand awareness and company reputation, an enhanced employer brand to help attract and retain talent, and greater ESG credentials for contracting processes and government tenders.

When will the new version of The Mark launch? And how will it change from the current process?

Business in the Community Ireland

The new Mark process will be rolled-out in January 2021, and it will involve an improved process for companies certifying to the Mark for the first time and for those hoping to re-certify.

Firstly, the Baseline Reviews will be replaced with an Initial Assessment. This new Initial Assessment is a deeper, evidence-based, more comprehensive exploration of your CSR management system.

Secondly, the previous Mark questionnaire will be phased out and replaced with a more user-friendly auditable standard.

The new Audit process will be a broader systems audit for your company. We will be introducing a new ‘Mock Audit’ as part of the new Mark process. Before your main NSAI audit, BITCI will work with you on a ‘Mock Audit’ to ensure your organisation is fully prepared during every step of the process.  The new Mark process will also see the introduction of a Pre-Audit Review which will list any non-conformance your organisation might need to address ahead of your main NSAI Audit.

Additionally, the new Mark process will more effectively bridge other relevant externally verified certification schemes your company might have achieved, and it will also provide better alignment with ISO audit management system practises.

Business in the Community Ireland can also tell you what won’t be changing with the new Mark process: it will remain a 3-year certification, it will continue to be based on ISO 26000, and will still be supported by BITCI’s 20+ years of experience.

Business in the Community Ireland

How can my organisation find out more about the new version of the Business Working Responsibly mark?

If you are a member of Business in the Community Ireland, talk to your BITCI adviser about how you can work towards certification under the new Mark process.

If your organisation is not yet a member of BITCI, contact Maureen O’Donnell at to arrange a briefing.

Find out more about the Mark. 

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